
In this tutorial, you will learn how to run the StashCache tester.


StashCache Tester requires HTCondor in order to run tests. StashCache submits tests to HTCondor as a DAG.

Additionally, it requires the HTCondor Python Bindings.


The StashCache tester is distributed as a python package in PyPi. It is recommended that you install the tester inside a virtual enviornment.

The setps to install are:

$ virtualenv tester
$ . tester/bin/activate
$ pip install --upgrade setuptools
$ pip install stashcache_tester

The pip installation could take a while. It requires the compilation and installation of several packages including matplotlib and numpy.

Running StashCache

StashCache comes with an executable script, stash-test which will begin the submission of test jobs. A configuration file is required by stash-test. An example configuration file is located in etc/stashcache-tester/tester.conf. You can test with this configuration:

$  stash-test -c tester/etc/stashcache-tester/tester.conf run

This will submit the DAG to the cluster.

Debugging StashCache Tester

A log file is produced that will contain the debugging and error messages.